![]() 03/17/2017 at 07:50 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Here’s a little rant... I’m sick of people saying that they like anything except rap and country, because I’m 100% certain that they’re all wrong. It’s the most basic, unoriginal answer to the question of what they listen to. What they usually mean is, “I strongly prefer modern pop music, but I also don’t hate classic rock.” But beyond that, they DO like both rap and country
Rap, for one thing, isn’t even a genre; it’s a style of vocals popularized by hip hop, but used in every genre at some point. Who doesn’t like “Loser” by Beck, for example? Or “Pepper” by the Butthole Surfers? They’re almost entirely rapping. Even if you were to assume they specifically mean rap in a hip hop context, still... you can’t honestly say you don’t enjoy at least ONE song by either RUN-DMC or the Beastie Boys. They’re both so easy to listen to and nowhere near as explicit as some of the harder gangster rap, which I imagine is the stuff these people are trying to say they don’t like.
As for country, well.... Johnny Cash. Dolly Parton. Willie Nelson. I don’t think I need to add anything more here. Anyone with such a basic taste in music will happily listen to “Ring of Fire” or “Jolene” or “On the Road Again.” And so much more.
So I’ve established that they like rap and country, but I also know for a fact that the vast majority of these people will not sit through an hour of jazz, opera, easy listening, etc. There’s a hell of a lot more that they don’t like than just “rap and country.”
![]() 03/17/2017 at 07:55 |
Yeah, nah. I’m not OK with anything but Country, but there isn’t any country music I like or can stand.
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anything but country and western
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I see that statement as a challenge.
I like anything except rap and country.
Oh? Well let’s listen to some Japanese noise metal!
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But rap is just the worst. And there is precisely one country artist that doesn’t make me want to puncture my eardrums with the nearest pair of scissors, and you can’t even get his music digitally.
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sad confession, never seen that movie.
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Oh dear. Sorry I have just spoilt one of its best lines then.
Do try to find it. It’s absolutely brilliant.
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Ugh. I saw them perform for a couple of minutes at Lollapalooza ‘94. Then I walked away to watch the detritus on the second stage.
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I enjoy making these kind of decisions awkward as hell or force them to decide quicker.
“I like classical. I prefer Handel over Beethoven.”
A good reason why I am single; my girlfriend used to say she didn’t care about what restaurant we ate at. So I’d take her to the same Irish pub she generally disliked. She soon learned to pick or I will quickly pick for her.
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I prefer country, but there’s something from pretty much any genre that’s good. Got a friend prefers metal and was trying to generalize country and write it off. That was a fun drive. 3 hours of conclusively proving (by his own eventual admission) that his music had the same failings. Oh, and I had control of the music, so that was a bonus.
For the heck of it here’s some favorites.
(that one I think is better than the original)
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The genres are so muddied these days it’s hard to say there’s one I dislike. I don’t care for traditional country music, but it isn’t that bad.
Now, if I have to pick something I really don’t like, I can do that quite easily. Trance.
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I like gangster rap and outlaw country (real outlaw country, not that hillbilly stuff that Bugeye Beetle posts). Give me NWA and Walon Jennings (Johnny Cash and Willy as well). All that other crap can die in a fire.
Also, “Rap” as a noun is a genre of music. “Rapping” or “rap” as a verb is a style of vocals. Have some Public Enemy rapping at the racists in my state.
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I can’t imagine them live. They put out a drum album that was pretty bad ass.
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Really? I’m the same way with modern country, but if I got to spend a week in the late ‘50s or early ‘60s, I would sure as shit visit the Grand Ole Opry.
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I find that these are mostly people who don’t care about music but don’t want to admit it. That and teenagers. I definitely said that before when in middle school and maybe high school, but these days I have Drive-By Truckers and RTJ in my all time top 10.
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Answer was rap and metal before college. Almost done with college and rap is almost a preferred method to every genre but country.
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Would it be better if they said, “I like rock and pop” rather than listing off what they don’t like?
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I like a few form of country, and very very few forms of rap.
So when someone says “what should I play?” And I say “anything but rap or country,” I say that because it greatly decreases the chances of them playing something I hate out of a selection of popular music, not because I hate every single rap or country song ever.
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Happy St Patrick’s day.
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Nope. The whole genre is like nails on chalkboard as far as I’m concerned. There are are other genres I’m not a fan of, but country is definitely my most hated. Across the entire spectrum.
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I hate Jolene with the fire of a million burning suns. If I were driving along a twisty mountain pass and Jolene came on the radio at the same moment that I went hurtling off of the side of the mountain to my firey death, my only concern would be turning off the radio so I wouldn’t have to wait for the sweet release of firey death to rescue me from Jolene.
That said, I will happily sit through hours of jazz. Jazz clubs are my favorite places to get wasted and three slots in my six-disc CD changer are permanently dedicated to jazz albums.
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I’m shocked...
I’m sitting here listening to that right now...and I don’t hate it .
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“Alright, Slayer it is!”
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Whaaaaa.... You must find and watch it.... It is a classic
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One of my favorites is “I like everything.” “Do you like heavy metal with screaming vocals?” “No.” “Weird, because that means you don’t like everything...”
For me, I like music that sounds good to my ears. I’m not crazy for rap because it’s not my cup of tea, essentially. I like it when the artist puts thought into how the music should go, giving it it’s own voice, if you will. Most rap I’ve heard tend to be percussion based, or have loops and monotonous background sound clips that I’m not crazy for. I haven’t listened to all rap, but what I’ve heard doesn’t seem interested musically.
For country, most of what I hear is bland, musically at least. Again, it’s not my cup of tea. I do heavily prefer bluegrass, as I thoroughly enjoy the folk instruments; it gives it a breath of fresh air.
Music wise, I lean towards melodies that aren’t fully vocal based. I view the voice as a part of the whole, not the main story.
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I’ve been trying to expose myself to more musical styles lately, with more variety than Pandora or similar sites can provide. The two main sources have been free music from Amazon and Google Play as well as used CDs acquired from the Goodwill Outlet for $0.89/lb. I put the player on random playback and then try to rate what I hear. And what have I discovered? Stuff that is consistently rated low on Amazon is rated that way for a reason (just because you think you’re a musician and can get your ‘music’ distributed for free doesn’t mean you have any talent), and that Yoko Ono should be banned by the Geneva Convention as her music should be considered a form of torture.
I’m a big fan of fusion jazz, and have been trying to find more stuff in this genre; it’s been a little tougher since a friend of mine, a walking fusion encyclopedia, died of cancer last year. A lot of the jazz I’ve grabbed at the library is just too mellow for me, with too many saxophones or mellow guitarists. Most pop stuff doesn’t have any lasting replay value once the initial hook has worn off, although there are some good hooks out there. Flaws are interesting and the attempts at perfection sanitize things to the point of anonymity.
And even though I am a middle-aged white guy, the soundtrack to Tony Hawk Pro Skater has almost infinite replay value and you will frequently hear it blasting out of my minivan.
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While my music taste is wide and varied, I find it amusing that your two examples of songs everyone loves are songs I can’t stand.
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Read you comment, looked at your avatar, checked the date...
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The statement usually also translates to “top 40 only”, from some time period. For young, current top 40, for older, top 40 of their time. It is an indication of enough dullness in a person’s musical taste that if you even threw something from a band they liked at them they hadn’t heard eighty times before, they might freak out... or hopefully, they might get the message.
I dislike a great deal of modern R&B, modern hip hop, and modern country, but I’m not enough of a dolt to say I don’t like *any* genre, because there’s always something out there to like.
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Liking three songs of genre doesn’t mean you like the genre. Just accept that rap and country are from the Devil. I know because listening to it makes me feel like killing myself
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I generally had the same disposition, but I really like Jason Isbell. Most top40 country is garbage for sure
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Indeed! I also commented on how Black and Tan is NOT IRISH. It is British.
(Hint: Call it a Half and Half or anything but that if you like your teeth in a true Irish pub)
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“Oh, so you’re cool with me playing Noisia then. Awesome.”
The looks are priceless.
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I think you can take that statement as a generality, of course there are probably songs in that genre that they probably like but if they dislike an overwhelming majority of it I don’t see the issue of them saying they aren’t a fan of it. I like quite a bit of Johnny Cash’s music but he is one of the very few I could be bothered actually listening to in terms of country. Regardless of what anyone thinks about this doesn’t really matter because we all know that the only music that matters is Accordion Death Metal. Right?
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“What kind of music do you like” is one of my least favorite questions, and I like to quote Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam where he’s pretending to interview someone out in the field. What do you do Bob? I’M IN ARTILLERY! Great, Bob, what kinda music you wanna hear today? ANYTHING JUST PLAY IT LOUD, OK?!
Really. I’m pretty open-minded, although I don’t love modern pop-country where the lyrics are basically, “I got my girl and my pickup truck and we’re gonna have a good time, wooooo cause we’re drinkin beeeeeer.”
Pakcing my semi-anti-country-bias, I visited Nashville a few years ago and we arrived at this one bar just as the headlining act came on stage - that’s the kind of bars they have in Nashville, by the way, where there’s a proper stage and an opener and headliner, just on a regular weekend night - and the band gets up, says hey how yall doin in their completely-expected-country-twang and all decked out in cowboy boots, jeans, stetsons.... and then. First song? Rage Against The Machine: Bombs On Parade. Holy shit, my mind was blown. The whole place was jumping up and down. They went on to play a variety of stuff, some of which was firmly in the country genre, but it was a hell of a lot of fun. Almost made me a country fan. BUT, you can’t hear music like they played on the one country station that I get here in New Hampshire. It’s all the trucks&girls&beer shit.
I’ll also say, I’ve never been to a live show that I regretted seeing, even if the band wasn’t really my thing. So, “anything just play it LIVE, ok?!”
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i absolutely loathe beck...just sayin
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I generally make the claim that music is like candy; throw out the rappers and enjoy it.
But at the same time, sure, that’s more a euphemism for a general dislike of modern popular music, whether it is actual rapping or not. I’m also very much not a fan of hiphop in general, although there is a handful of older stuff (80's and 90's in my various playlists.
As far as country goes, most of the modern popular country is no better than modern popular uh, popular music. The mass-market stuff that sells out on day one, gets radio play for a couple months, and then goes away (or sometimes doesn’t), and has minimal value beyond a slightly catchy tune with minimal depth to the lyrics.
But give me the Ramones and I’ll be hopping.
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You need to fix this yesterday.
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My grandma actually makes the distinction. She hates country but loves western.
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I’ll listen to anything but modern country.
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I like some old school rap for the memories, and when I was a little kid I liked Kenny Rogers material for some reason (“The Gambler” was a favorite), so I can’t rule out both either, even if I don’t listen to modern versions of either.
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Sturgill Simpson
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And pretty often it’s couched in thinly veiled classism.
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Oh, I’m celebrating my northern Irish heritage.
Yeah, that’s it.
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Their role was to help the RIC maintain control and fight the Irish Republican Army (IRA), the army of the Irish Republic .
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My wife still does that “I don’t care” or “You pick” thing...then when I pick it’s, “Well, I don’t really like that” or “I’m not in the mood for that”. FFS then you pick a place.
She has gotten better though. I have to say I do the same thing, but the difference is I ACTUALLY don’t care where we eat.
![]() 03/17/2017 at 10:35 |
Oh, I don’t say where we are going. We just drive till she either decides or we are in the parking lot. So as we get closer she has the chance to recant.
Again...single....for a good reason
![]() 03/17/2017 at 10:37 |
I used to be one of those people, but then PS1-era video games with surprisingly good licensed music (Tony Hawk, early EA titles, etc.) and the internet happened. I still can’t stand most of what hits the radio for either of those genres, but digging into more specific sub-genres and looking to smaller, independent/”underground”, and/or non-US-based acts has yielded some outstanding finds over the last several years. Rappers with genuine technical and lyrical talent capable of venturing outside of Guns-Bitches-And-Bling-Land exist, as as do country/folk/bluegrass artists that aren’t... well... this . I get that personal preference may still even preclude these things, but to dismiss whole genres without at least doing some legwork in this day and age is just setting one’s self up to miss out on a rewardingly diverse musical collection.
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How about gangstagrass and tonez? It’s a bit hip hop and a bit country. Might be worth a listen? Also, raconteurs, but that’s a bit white stripe meets a banjo. Not exactly country, but maybe a gateway into some country music elements?
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Nioce. Haven’t watched that in a while.
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I almost exclusively listen to electronic but I won’t object to most genres, except dubstep. And Oldies.
I also don’t like Loser by Beck.
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a bit country
Don’t give a shit. You also seem to be under the impression I want to expand my tastes and listen to country anything .
I don’t.
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Getting into what I like and dislike, why, and what genre that falls under is way too complicated because there are so many crossover type songs/genres, and genres in general are pretty diluted. It’s probably easier to say what I don’t like. I’m not a fan of modern-pop-bro-country (there are still several very good modern country artists however so modern country isn’t all trash), I don’t like screaming in my music, I don’t like music that has excessive swearing, and I don’t like songs that are basically all bass. I also dislike most music from artists I perceive as being very egotistical.
In general, I will listen to anything once, and if I like it I’ll listen to more.
![]() 03/17/2017 at 13:15 |
I am one of those “don’t like country” people. And I know it’s wrong to be so general; my parents have a few bluegrass albums they play from time to time and they’re really enjoyable. And a lot of classic country artists are good as well. But so much of modern country is repetitive, unoriginal trash. *cough*FloridaGeorgiaLine*cough* Carry Underwood and Miranda Lambert excepted.
I used to be a “don’t like rap” person as well. But that was based in a deep misunderstanding of what rap was. And I’ve matured.
I’ve moved on to being judgemental of techno now.
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Coldplay and Taylor Swift have both put out some good music.
Maybe amend “good” to “okay” for Coldplay.
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Not even Johnny Cash? I too am not a fan of most country music, and I especially can’t stand all the modern “country pop” that is just top 40 with a steel guitar. But Johnny Cash has an interesting universal appeal where (in my experience) nearly everyone can find something to like.
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That is very sad. You are missing out on a very special gem.
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Ass head poly say.
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I even like the original NIN Hurt over his cover. Of which I share that opinion with about 5% of the human population.
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I love taylor swift
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Whenever I would ride with my grandparents I would listen to old country johnny walker, Patsy Cline, willie Nelson, Gene autry, marty robbins. There wasn’t all that much difference between “country” and contemporary top 40 at the time. I can’t take the twang pickup bullshit.
I feel the same about rap. there are a lot of songs that i can enjoy but a lot on the radio is just garbage(example below). Its a weird mix of rappers with little vocal talant trying to sing and only able to do so without excessive auto-tune, which to me sounds of nails on a chalkboard.
Same go for the random rap interlude in many pop songs. Why the fuck are you here? so you can get a “featuring___” to try and undo your one hit winder status?
I think what also factors in is the shitty background music. rap features some crappy bass and modern country guitar elevator music.